Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Социологические науки
The conquest of the authority by the young leader
Chayka Yu.A. 1, Shapovalenko A.E. 1, Kuzin A.Yu. 1, Kuzin A.Yu. 1

1. Tomsk Polytechnic University


This article considers the problem of credibility gaining as a young leader. There is a situation sometimes – the disagreement between a young and ambitions leader, who is a new person in the company and a long experience workers (it is usually workers of close to retirement age). In the literature, this phenomenon is described by the term "the envy of generations." Brainstorms, talks about effective and ineffective strategies, theories of success and failure in the process of communicating with subordinates were conducted among young leaders. Also they participated in the survey. The main methods and strategies of communication with subordinates to gain credibility and establish sound working relations were identified.

Keywords: the envy of generations, conflict prevention, authority winning, young leader, personnel management, management psychology

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