Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Социологические науки
Review of recent issues on humor field
Khustenko A.A. 1

1. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


The paper presents a brief review of some original issues in English, gained by the main argument-the theme of humor from the standpoint of different scientific approaches, and from the perspective of various aspects of the consideration of humor. Humor occupies a significant place in the spiritual life of social communities and all spheres of society are permeated by this phenomenon. The papers of both established scholars and novice ones from different countries are summarized. An attempt is made to differentiate the works according to the research areas and to present them in the light of general research lines and further perspectives in the study of humor.

Keywords: conversational humor;, intertextual humor, translation of humor, multilingual humour, puns, wordplay, computational humor, linguistics of humor, humor theory, humor research

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