Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Shelukhina K.V. 1



The article discusses the benefits and types of Internet advertizing. The author analyzes the two most popular kind of online marketing: contextual advertizing and advertizing in social media. Tells about their pluses and a minus, the degree of relevance and efficiency of the market these services. After consideration the author comes to conclusions that the Internet marketing develops fast rates. Online gets into all areas of human activity. In this situation, the contextual advertizing has leading positions, but as this sphere quickly changes, and it is possible that in the future a new direction as advertizing in social media will come to the forefront.

Keywords: click-through rate, Social Media Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, cost per click (CPC), cost per visitor (CPV), search engines, contextual advertizing, economic appeal, promotional offer, efficiency of investment, Internet advertizing

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