Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Mikhaylova T.R. 1, Gasparyan G.A. 2

1. томский политехнический университет
2. Tomsk Polytechnic University

Motivation System Peculiarities

Mihkaylova Tatiana

Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences and Technologies

Scientific advisor: G.A. Gasparyan


Abstract: The effective staff motivation system development in a company is a very important and crucial issue. The article deals with different factors of motivation and more attention is paid to non-material ones. Moreover, the motivation system development stages are determined. The paper also describes the problems which managers may face while working out and implementing the motivation system.


Key words: motivation factors, staff motivation, a motivation system, problems connected with motivation system, non-material encouragement.  


Perhaps, the problems of staff motivation exist from the moment when wage labour has appeared, and they are still actual. Nowadays experienced managers take care of workers, organize their training, and create effective payment and bonus schemes for successful and willing workers. The managers have realized that to dismiss a trained and experienced worker is not profitable. It is more reasonable to encourage employees as much as possible. Since market relations have been introduced, there have been noticed many examples of great losses in qualified staff either because of their dismissal or switching to other competitive employers. That is why the issue of efficient staff motivation system development is most actual at the present moment.

In this paper we analyze the peculiarities of motivation system development and consider its advantageous and disadvantageous aspects in relation to business profile of an enterprise, type of motivation and certain requirements of employees.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the term “motivation”. “Motivation is an internal energy which sets up people’s performance in life and work. Staff motivation system in a company is a package of measures, encouraging personnel not only to do paid work, but in the first place to have a particular diligence and a strong willingness to work exactly for the chosen company, to achieve great results, to be loyal towards management team.” [4, 6]

Presently the issue of staff motivation has been thoroughly studied, but mostly there are some common points. No general model has been introduced. The reason is that each enterprise, a workforce and an employee is unique. Besides, there is an influence of such factors as economical and political processes in the country, or region.

The study in workers’ priorities while choosing a workplace has shown the following results: “The main 3 points (in decreasing order) are: “higher salary (79% of pollees - in 2011, 72% - in 2009, 74% - in 2008), “a secure and permanent job” (59% - in 2011, 41% - in 2009, 33% - in 2008) and ”a favourable working environment” (53%, 35 % and 245% - respectively)”. [4, 32]

However, there are some cases when a worker leaves for a competitive company, yet he or she will be paid there less or will not work better after pay rise. It is important to understand the reasons of such attitude. “Man does not live by bread alone”. Those companies that appreciate the power of moral encouragement have more chances of keeping imployes, inspire to active and high- quality performance. A. de Saint-Exupery wrote: “If you want to make a ship, you don’t have to get people together to plan everything, divide tasks, find tools and cut trees. You should make them strive for endless sea. Then they will build a ship themselves.” [3, 69]

An up-to-date manager should bear in mind that the company needs a special system of stimulating actions for keeping and developing staff. It should be orientated on people’s own values and requirements. Managers ought to establish appropriate conditions under which the system will work. It is essential to determine exact results, necessary and useful for a company and which should be gained by employees. The implementation of motivation system can be easily started at the moment of company establishment; otherwise it will be painful to modify already existing conditions, as changes are usually perceived by employees as a warning. “First of all, it is crucial to determine:

-   a mission statement of a company, i.e. a duty of this or that company, the use of its work as a single unit;

-   values – it is important to find them out or to create to unify the company;

-   activities”. [2, 294]

The next step is to define goals of a company (what should be gained), and steps to reach these goals. A company should pay a great attention to corporate identity (rules of behaviour, dress-code, an office interior, brand recognition, etc.)

Workers should realize evaluation criteria of their job. In this case their results are measurable and obtainable. There must be also the reward system (material and non-material incentives) for achievements and high performance. At the same time this system shall be directly connected with employees’ requirements.

It goes without saying that rewards must be given on time; otherwise there will be no sense in good performance.


Moreover, an individual approach in motivation is also essential. Each worker has his or her own needs. They depend on length of work, sex, age, education, upbringing and character of a person. It is known that women prefer a convenient work schedule, but men more appreciate a secure work place. Young aspiring workers often prefer career promotion to high salary.

People’s needs change throughout life; when one requirement is met, the other one appears. New employees apply for a job in a company; meanwhile steadily working ones develop their job skills. That is why it is not enough to work out and implement a motivation system. It should be constantly controlled, adjusted and improved.

As the Russian companies’ experience shows, one can face the following problems while working out a motivation system, for instance:

  1. a manager has to define the methods of influence on employees’ efficient performance. It is connected with the fact that a motivation system of each person is unique (a set of requirements can be the same, although for everyone some of them are more topical and crucial than others);
  2. a manager should develop a motivation system for a company. It is very difficult to build a motivation system, which offsets the demands of all team members;
  3. a motivation system is not stable. Any of such systems is effective only for a certain period of time. Some of the requirements are met and the system becomes unpopular and unsuccessful;
  4. a manager should monitor a motivation system. Employees’ expectations and aims change, so previously chosen and efficient ways of motivation may become inactive in the course of time.

Properly developed motivation system consists of 3 above mentioned aspects and allows a present-day employer to:

  1. aline work objectives with each worker, a structural unit and a company in general, as well as ways to achieve them;
  2. increase staff retention and intercept staff scarcity by holding highly-skilled employees, “trained” for this particular companies;
  3. reduce time and financial expenditures on staff’s search, recruitment and adaptation.
  4. organize a business team, give people confidence in their professional skills being important for an employer, so that they are willing to work hard, be active and strive for success.


Eventually, properly organized motivation system is a tool, which increases cost of a company. It functions in the following way that personnel perform better on the whole and it is possible to significantly reduce expenditures on staff’s recruitment and adaptation (along with increasing staff retention).

In conclusion, it shall be noted that workers’ pursuit of success plays a key role in steady work and prosperity of a company. However, motivation is essential for keeping this striving viable. Moreover, appropriate conditions for a motivation system to be efficient should be created. The developed system and conditions are to be monitored and improved constantly.



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4.      Эффективная мотивация персонала при минимальных затратах, или Как платить меньше, но чтобы работали лучше?/Н.В.Самоукина.-Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014. – 238 с. – (Психология бизнеса).

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Mikhaylova T.R., Gasparyan G.A. MOTIVATION SYSTEM PECULIARITIES // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2014. – № 5;
URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).

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