Unlike real contacts, virtual space does not have any bounds of time and place. Nowadays Internet let people interact with the unlimited number of people. The paper is devoted to the value’s detection and influence degree of modern virtual space on youth personal identities’ formation. It is noted that younger participants of the events comprehend them more significant than the older ones. In global Internet time the events, which keep general remembrance of society and let people share such memories with other people, form new groups in virtual space. The article presents the results of students’ interrogation at Tomsk polytechnic university (TPU) and international scientifically - educational school UniverCiTerra (July-August 2015 g., Tomsk). It is concluded that modern young people are mobile, ready to accept and understand values of different culture and entrench values of their own culture.
Ключевые слова: UniverCiTerra, students, information society, virtual space, identity
Библиографическая ссылка
Korneeva A.Yu. 1, Zeremskaya Yu.A. 1, Loyko O.T. 1 Virtual space as a sphere of the personal identity’s formation // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2016. – № 8;
URL: jess.esrae.ru/57-204 (дата обращения: