Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Филологические науки
Techno-science in information society
Zeremskaya Yu.A. 2, Bakanova E.A. 2, A. Moiseeva 1

1. Tomsk Polytechnic University
2. Tomsk Polytechnic University


Science is a potential that provides intelligent and productive power of society. Therefore, it is important to study the changes and transformations taking place in science and scientific knowledge, thus, the study of such phenomenon as techno-science is vital. The paper deals with the development of techno-science that indicates a change in the epistemological scheme of modern scientific knowledge. The key element of these changes are associated with the following characteristics such as the interdisciplinary techno-science, externalism, constructivism and purely pragmatic orientation implemented on the basis of technology platforms in the unity of university, business and the state. It is established that in the information society techno-science expands the range of community initiatives contributing to the formation and development of civil society as well as optimization and comfort of everyday life.

Ключевые слова: STS., NBIC-convergence, interdisciplinarity, applied science, information society, Techno-science

Библиографическая ссылка

Zeremskaya Yu.A. 2, Bakanova E.A. 2, A. Moiseeva 1 Techno-science in information society // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2017. – № 9;
URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).

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