The paper analyzes the problems of Agrarian industrial complex (AIC), import substitution in this area and results of food safety program. It is important because AIC ensures food safety of Russia. The main goal of research is to figure out the influence of sanctions and import substitution program on AIC. Natural resource potential of Russia affords to grow the major types of agricultural products except for exotic fruits, berries and nuts. The level of productivity is lower than in many developed countries with the same climate. However, one way to help to develop AIC is import substitution. In a short term it should be a good method to solve food safety problem. The results of this paper can be used by further researchers to understand strengths and weaknesses of AIC development program.
Fominskiy Vitaliy 1 The current state of Russian agro-industrial complex // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2018. – № 12;
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