The article gives the analysis of difficulties which occur while translating the chapter “Constantinople Must Be Ours” from Dostoevsky´s “A Writer´s Diary” into English. The text raises issues of geopolitics, which had a great influence on the major powers policies of past and are still vital nowadays."A Writer´s Diary" belongs to philosophical prose highlighting the most relevant issues of the XIXth century Russia. The relevance is that texts of political orientation are the subject of careful analysis now. The issue of political correctness is essential and continuing to gain popularity. It influences the way of translation It’s impossible to neglect Dostoevsky’s philosophy that implies some peculiarities of the author’s language and style. It needs to be taken into account and appropriate tools should be used while translating. Thus, the purpose of this work is to identify the translation features of the politically directed 19th century text that is also imbued with author’s philosophy
Ключевые слова: Dostoevsky´s philosophy, “A Writer’s Diary”, obsolete word, religious, idiom, inverted order of words, neologism
Библиографическая ссылка
Lilenko I.Yu. 1, Nikitina Ya.V. 2, Mityasova A.V. 2, Elkina A.N. 2 Some peculiarities of translating the 19th century text on the example of Dostoevsky’s “A Writer’s Diary” // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 14;
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