Nowadays there is increase in exchange of information in the sphere of nuclear energy. English is widely used as a global language and means of communication and both specialists and students actively use it for making publications in scientific journals. It is important to know English terminology of the sphere to avoid misuse and misunderstanding.
Therefore, either students learning English for specific purposes and specialists using English terminology should be aware of the correct use of terms and terminological units of the sphere. The present article shows the results of the structural analysis of the terms and terminological units of the sphere of ‘nuclear energy’ in modern English. This research is intended to minimize misunderstanding in technical communication in the sphere of nuclear energy.
Ключевые слова: modern English;, structural analysis, terminological unit, term
Библиографическая ссылка
Yastrebov V.O. 1, Makhendradatta M. 1, Zyablova N.N. 1 Structural analysis of terms and terminological units of the sphere ‘nuclear energy’ in modern English // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 14;
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