Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
The Vasugan Swamp peats (Tomsk region) as a promising source of organic matter with antioxidant properties
Bratishko K.A. 1, Buyko E.E. 1, Zykova M.V. 2, Belousov M.V. 2

1. Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical SciencesTomsk Polytechnic University
2. Siberian State Medical University


A review of studies which evaluate intensity and mechanisms affecting the antioxidant activity (AOA) of humic acids (HAs) was conducted. Based on colorimetric assessment of HAs, high antiradical activity (ARA) of AO has been detected. The mechanism of this action is most likely related to the ability of HAs to act as free radical “traps”. According to EPR-spectroscopy results HAs contain stable semi-quinone type radicals in the matrix, which are “traps” for free short-living and stable radicals. The novel results of the nitro-blue tetrosol test (NBT-test) have revealed a direct antiradical effect of HAs on superoxide anion radical in a wide range of concentrations, which enables to recommend a specific biological test making use of NBT with non-enzymatic generation of superoxide anion radical for AOA evaluation in HAs. For all HAs samples, high levels of AOA were determined by the voltammetric method as well.

Ключевые слова: antiradical activity;, peat, antioxidants, Humic acids

Библиографическая ссылка

Bratishko K.A. 1, Buyko E.E. 1, Zykova M.V. 2, Belousov M.V. 2 The Vasugan Swamp peats (Tomsk region) as a promising source of organic matter with antioxidant properties // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 14;
URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

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