Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Managerial Skills Development: Management Fighting Courses as an Efficient Training Tool
Biryuk D.V. 1

1. Tomsk Polytechnic University


The paper is devoted to the study of the mechanism and competencies needed for developing managerial skills through training courses on managerial struggle, which are necessary not only in the field of business and management, but also in other spheres of public life. The technology of these trainings was developed by Vladimir Tarasov. The influence of this technology on the development of necessary skills and abilities, as well as the techniques and stratagems of behavior used during these trainings is described. The ways of their application in practice during real negotiations or in other situations where there is communication between people are examined.

Ключевые слова: stratagems;, negotiations, management mechanisms, management battle, Manager, management skills

Библиографическая ссылка

Biryuk D.V. 1 Managerial Skills Development: Management Fighting Courses as an Efficient Training Tool // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 15;
URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

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