A foreign language is not only a basic element of the education system, but also the most sought-after element of the global educational services market. For successful and productive studying of foreign language, there is a need in work with authentic materials that have been created by native speakers: audios, videos, articles, books etc. Students need to have an opportunity of listening to authentic speech of people from different countries, different sex and age instead of talking only to their teachers. People have different accent and speed of their speech and students have to understand all of them, it is impossible to achieve it if the only person that they speak and listen to in the foreign language is their teacher. In the paper, the methodology of working with authentic videos in education process will be formed.
Chistikhin A.A. 1 The methodology formation of professional-communicative competence based on video materials of scientific conferences // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 15;
URL: jess.esrae.ru/64-340 (дата обращения: