Today the family in its classical understanding has lost its dominant role in the society and has begun to fulfill an auxiliary function. Information technologies affect family relations greatly as they sometimes substitute processes that have been previously provided by the family. In this paper the issue of digitalization processes in the particular features of child education in modern families are identified and evaluated. In particular, issues related to the digital safety of children and the impact of information and communication technologies (further ICT) on family relations have been considered. The necessity of a balanced approach to the usage of digitalization possibilities is presented and analyzed. The up-to-date typology of families used in modern scientific sources is given.
Ключевые слова: patterns;, family, digitalization, digital technologies, ICT
Библиографическая ссылка
Ufa N.O. 1 The impact of digital technology on parenting in the modern family // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 15;
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