Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Selection of optimal milling modes for NiTi-TiB2 composite
Volkov S.Yu. 1, Arlyapov A.Yu. 1

1. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


At present, metal alloys and composites obtained using additive technologies are becoming more widespread. Such materials may have higher parameters of strength, hardness and wear resistance in comparison with conventional alloys. The creation of powder materials allows to obtain new properties of alloys by changing the structure of the material in a certain way. However, to ensure requirements for the accuracy of the shape, size and quality of the surfaces of products made of such materials, products should be processed by cutting on metal-cutting machines. Nevertheless, there are no recommendations on the choice of cutting tools and processing modes in literature. As part of this study, recommendations will be given on cutting conditions for processing of composite Inconel 625 with NiTi-TiB2. The geometry of the end mills necessary for processing will be determined. The optimal speed, feed per tooth were selected when milling composite materials based on the conditions of tool wear resistance and the quality of the surface layer

Ключевые слова: tool life;, cutting forces, wear, cutting conditions, machinability, laser sintering, milling, nickel, composite, Additive technology

Библиографическая ссылка

Volkov S.Yu. 1, Arlyapov A.Yu. 1 Selection of optimal milling modes for NiTi-TiB2 composite // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2020. – № 16;
URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

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