In accordance with the current situation, when vertically integrated oil companies try to extract the maximum amount of oil in a short time, due to which the wrong development system is often chosen, the share of hard-to-recover reserves is growing every year. In accordance with this, there is a need to develop residual hard-to-reach reserves remaining in the subsurface. Binary mixtures is a method of complex impact on the reservoir, which characterizes this technology as the most promising among other existing methods of increasing oil recovery. The use of binary mixtures will increase the oil recovery of reservoirs by an average of 5-10%. This paper considers the principle of oil displacement using ammonium nitrate and the product of the decomposition reaction, analyzes experimental and industrial tests both in Russia and abroad, existing problems and development trends. Similar deposits are also proposed, where, according to the authors, the applicability of this technology has a positive tendency to implement and increase the development potential
Ключевые слова: well;, bottomhole zone of the formation, oil recovery factor, enhanced oil recovery methods, hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves, binary mixtures, enhanced oil recovery method
Библиографическая ссылка
Konovalov A.A. 1 Analysis of the efficiency of the application of binary mixtures technology for the development of hard-to-recover fields of Western Siberia // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2020. – № 16;
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