The concept of sustainable development influences all processes in social, economic and educational spheres. This issue has become urgent and intensified the scientific research. Since the image of the student has significantly changed recently, the problems contemporary scholars face today are those of the student’s consciousness and the way how it integrates the concept of sustainable development. Therefore, educational programmes, methodologies and training projects have to be designed under the sustainable development principles and in terms of education for sustainable development. This involves adjusting curricular and discipline programmes, enhancing the competence of the faculty, establishing relationships with employers. The main goal of education for sustainable development is to transform society values
Ключевые слова: SD;, strategy, education for sustainable development, ecology, sustainable development
Библиографическая ссылка
Rokotyanskaya Yu.A. 1 Sustainable Development in Engineering Education // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. – 2020. – № 16;
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